How are you suppose to cope with a long distance relationship? How are you suppose to deal not seeing the person you're in love with only once a month? Are you just suppose to forget about them until you see them again, which is impossible. Are you suppose to distance yourself enough it doesn't hurt? I don't see how people do it, it hurts everyday. I'm always reminded he's not here everyday by one way or the other. Being two hours away and only seeing him once a month for the weekend sometimes its hard to even feel like a real girlfriend. I keep myself busy a lot and that helps, and we talk on the phone usually twice a day, and through IM's. But the closer I get to him the harder this is getting.This is just getting harder than I thought it'd be. I don't know, I'm probably taking this worse than he is, because I'm the girl, and apparently girls are more sensitive when it comes to things like this. I love him and want to stay in the relationship, I just want to handle the sepeartion..How do you cope with a long distance relationship?
-I've been in a long distance relationship, for almost three years. We only met during our second year anniversary. And with college, I'm now limited in seeing her often. We're planning to meet every 3-six months, so I envy you.
-What has helped us get through this is a lot of things. Webcams are long distance relationships bestest friend. My day is fulfilled when I see that smile on her face. We chat, and talk on the phone when we can. Nowadays. most computers come with mic's. So we use the mic, so we don't run up the phone bill. If you don't have one, buy one.
-Sending each other gifts, during certain events also helps. It explains how much you care. I like to send a letter with every package I send her. Just to express my love.
-The big thing that keeps us going is trust. Trust is a big factor in any relationship, but especially in long distance ones.
-I believe long distance relationships that do work, show far greater love than any relationship. Since you have to deal with so much more pain, and yet you survived it.How do you cope with a long distance relationship?
you have to ask yourself the simple question is the guy worth it.
you can't they never work out sry =(
sometimes they work they take a lot of work from both ends. but sometimes when you meet it can change things
everything depends on your love and trust for him
I have long distance relationship with my boyfriend.. And i'm worse than u.. I meet him once for half a year.. But our relationship is doing just fine.. :D
Communication and trust is a must.. We respect each other and we will not cheat..
The best way to cope with a long distance relationship is to treat it as such. You cannot have an intimate relationship with someone far away, and you cannot possibly expect life not to go on while your apart. Actually you can expect, but you won't get unless your okay with being lied to (most of the time, not every case). Its a strain that is very hard to maintain for a long time, usually someone breaks sooner or later. You've heard the saying long distant relationships don't work. They don't work because we try to work them as if they aren't long distance.
distance makes the heart go wander..
i feel lik u do i mean it feel bad i cry when i go to sleep but i no ill seee him soon
My boyfriend has been in Iraq for the last five months. It's hard, but I just take it one day at a time. It takes a special person to make a long-distance relationship work. Hang in there. Once a month isn't so bad.
Having a webcam is nice. Having plans to actually move to the same city at some definite point in the future is nice. Finding ways to see each other more often is nice. Sending each other little gifts by snail mail is nice. Having friends where you live and going out and doing stuff with them is nice.
In my experience long distance relationships never work, however, there may always be a first! And I wish you your happily ever after! All you can really do is talk to them as often as you can and try and find ways to meet up in your spare time. Or the other option is to break it off but if u really like this guy then that must seem like a stupid suggestion. I too wouldnt be happy if i was told that i couldnt see my boyfriend and even though i loved him i should break it off. So follow your heart and not your head and see where it takes you. Good Luck and i hope it all works out! xxx
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