Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to deal with a long distance relationship? =/?

I've been in a few long distance relationships before but this one is really taking a toll on me. I've never really been in love while in a LDR. The last time I saw my girlfriend was around August and now, because of school and other things, I won't be able to see her until next summer. We both have web cams and mics so it's no problem there. I just can't deal with being apart so much. Sometimes I just feel like the only that would help, would be to hug her or kiss her or anything. Anybody have words of advice? Or... anything. =/How to deal with a long distance relationship? =/?
It's hard. But I commend you on your faith to her and your confidence in your relationship.

The best thing I can say is lots of phone conversations. Internet conversation is good, but over the phone is a lot more personal when you are dealing with a LDR. I was in one once and couldn't handle it, I am very much similar to you in that when I am upset, I really just need a hug and a comforting word from my partner to deal with it. I couldn't handle the lack of physical communication. But keep talking to her as much as you can, make plans for your summer together, and keep each other up-to-date on your daily lives. Make sure you both feel as connected as you possibly can.

I understand what you mentioned about her having cheated early on, and still trusting her. My husband cheated on me within 2 months of meeting. I didn't find out until 3 months later, but we fought as hard as hell to make it work. Now we have been together 2 1/2 years and have a beautiful son. My family is complete %26lt;3

Good luck! I know it's hard, but love always prevails :DHow to deal with a long distance relationship? =/?
have you tried talking to her about it?

just talk to her as much as you can during the time you can't see each other.. and remember that the time spent apart will all be worth it in the end?

absence makes the heart grow fonder :b

Oh my, we're in the same exact position. =D Kind of... with the exception of cheating.

And like... you spell Uhm the way that I do. =D
dont do it unless u and the other person like having phone sex
I happen to not be a lesbian, but will not judge you because who ever you fall in love with if your decision and it does not bother me one bit. However, maybe if i brief you in my kinda LDR it will help you out =)

okay, so my boyfriend left to Parris Island SC, to train to be a Marine. He was only supposed to be gone for 3 months (left Sept 14 supposed to graduate on December 12) unfortunately he got hurt and his stay has been prolonged for another month, (January 9) which is just killing me.

You happen to have it a little easier then me because i can only write letters to him, and i would do anything for just one minute on the phone. So in your relationship be thankful that you do have web-cams, and a telephone, and trust me if it is meant to be it will find a way. If you both trust each other and don't cheat on each other you will make it.

Just hang in there. I hope this helped =)
Are you a lesbian cause your avatar is a girl? Or are you some sort of perverted guy making his avatar a girl? Whatever.. for your question, there is really no point and long distance relationships because you don't know if their seeing someone else? Hey i know you trust her but you never know! Also you can't snuggle up with her either.. It's like being inlove with a Computer and camera. This long distance thing isn't gonna last long unless she's coming back.. if not there's no point..sorry.

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