so my gf and I of 14 months have spent everyday with each other and i loved it!! but now she is moving 1 hour and 45 min go to school and get a job...i want her to be sucessful in life and i want her to do this..she is living with her aunt and her cousin who she is like her best friend.....but i just dont know how to deal with it....lots of me doesnt want her to move cause i am gunna miss not being able to see her everday...she is the only girl i have ever said i love you to and i dont want this to tear us apart!
and what is gunna be a big problem is that when i want to go to see her she wants her cousin to come along with us..i mean yea i get along with her too but when i see her i want to go out and spend time with just her! and she feels bad cause her and i are going out and her cousin has to stay at home! so how can i explain to her with out her getting angry or getting defensive...casue i have tried and she gets defensive fast!How to deal with a long distance relationship?
dude like the naked brothers band said, long distance relationships will kill you
few solutions:
-move there and start a life wit her,
-webcam chat yo
-keep in touch via phone, text daily
-just keep in touch and show love
but honestly tho, i dont c how long distance relationships can work, they always break, e.g. someone will always find someone else, becuz that one space in their heart is missing and that one new person will take the place
so i would just like take a break with her, but if you wanna stay with her its up to u to keep the connection not usHow to deal with a long distance relationship?
Um....... try to taalk to her about it in the nicest way possible. Just ask are we going to get time alone with her sometimes. Just try to reason with her. Don't yell and don't be sarcastic. Just hear her out and her reasons and see how you can find a solution for those reasons
Just tell her that ur not going to spend that much time 2gether anymore and you want to spend time alone with her. Tell her ';you see your cousin everyday and not me';
my bf is 2 hours away and ive been with him for 4 years. go figure.
she's not that far away from you, if you love each other, it might work out, but there's no guarantee
Enjoy your AIDS.
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