Monday, August 16, 2010

10pts, how do you deal with a long distance relationship?

NOTE: in this situation, you're NOT ';internet dating.'; You know %26amp; visit the person in REAL LIFE.

I'm in university. So is my man. We live about 8hrs drive apart. i get to see him every 2-3 weeks. It's really depressing and lonely sometimes. I've been in relationship's like this too much...and i hate it.

How do I ease the pain a little? we call each other, MSN very there anything else we can do to make it not so lonely?

P.S. I just found out he will be required to remain there an additional year. He was supposed to transfer over this winter, but he missed the deadline by 2 days, and they won't accept his application now since it's officially past deadline. It just gets so depressing sometimes.

10pts for killer ideas on how to boost the relationships while apart?10pts, how do you deal with a long distance relationship?
Okay! i am in your boat to and we've been datign for about a year or so.

To be honest we visit when we can and besides that, we IM, we play some computer games/activitys toghether, we call alot, sometimes we will mail eachother handmade/written objects. I udnerstand the frustration it really can be sometimes cause it does suck. But really thats all you can do really. My boyfriend at the moment had to go 5 states away to take care of his godmother! Its been about 4 months now that hes been up there working and doing things so.. trust me! u can do it haha10pts, how do you deal with a long distance relationship?
srry, but i dont think its possible
i would just talk almost every day so it feels as though you 2 r still connected have him send a pic when you feel lonley and visa versa
i would hold in there till he transfers, talk as much as you can and if you can get those web cams so you can see each other that would help...

i know that isnt much help.... but .... its somthing
you should get a web cam and have over the computer dates and stuff like that, save your money to visit your baby and you knoww It just mght work outt
Web cams?

If you can't see each other for 2-3 weeks, than do it everyday!
Well, you could use a webcam if you guys have one while your away :| thats all i got :
|cyber sex
i am curently in a long distance relation ship we have been to gether for 6 months and he had to move to california right before school started and it was terrible but we talk every day and text i think hes only going to be ther for a year but im not sure i guess im handleing it good but yeahh we just talk about our feelings and stuff and i feel confident he wont cheat on e uummm im not sure if this helped at all but yeah

10 points plz??
gosh i know exactly what this feels like. i was in a long distance relationship before (although we ended up breaking up for reasons far off because of distance) but we were together for 5 years and the first year and a half were long distance (10 hrs apart). we definitely visited each other all the time as much as possible, and we made a lot of sacrifices to be able to do that.

you could suprise him with love letters and/or gifts. do suprise visits. maybe even video chats like on skype. (you both could do this really)

know this is not much but hope this helps :)
Well, my husband and I had a long distance relationship when we first started dating, and now we're married obviously. So, I do believe that long distance relationships can work if you really love that person and want to make an effort. What kept our love alive, was chatting on msn using a webcam. Sometimes we would do sexual things over the webcam to keep things interesting. But I think its great that you two meet up about every 2-3weeks. My husband and I only met up once every two months and I thought that was difficult. It's always going to be tough being away from the person you really care about and I think that can keep the relationship extra strong. So just hang in there:)
there isn't much that i know of that you can do to make the time apart any easier so that just means that you need to enjoy the times together that much more.
My suggestions would only be to someone who is old enough of coarse. But you could make a sexy calender for him, web cam, have two visits a month instead of one every three weeks (make him drive one and you drive one) , meet in the midde (drive 4 hours each), my man (my ex rather) would fly me to see can get cheap flights, send him photos, m%26amp;m's with your initials on them.

I was with someone for two years and his job had him going everywhere. We dealt with the situation as much as we could but I got tired of it after a while. But that's me.. if you really love him put in the effort.

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