Monday, August 16, 2010

Any advice on how to deal with a long distance relationship?

My current boyfriend and I met online about 3 months ago and have just celebrated our two month anniversary. I'm 16(turning 17 this summer) and he is 22(just turned 22 the 25th). He lives in Colorado and I live in Florida. We talk daily, sometimes multiple times a day, on the phone and online. We both have webcams, so we know we're talking to the right person. We have both made plans on visiting each other but that won't come until next year. I find myself missing him terribly to the point of crying.I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to cope with the distance and basically the separation? Thankyou =]Any advice on how to deal with a long distance relationship?
This is copied from a similiar question and please, ignore the person that said it's wierd.

(((Let me just say that I am still in one and it is hard, especially since there are long point where she cannot get on. I would like to warn you to make sure you can trust the person, like the way I can. I have a good friend who's known her in real life for 5-6 years, so with that factor in place it is perfectly safe. It honestly is up to the people, regardless of the obvious downs an online relationship may pose, it's no different than meeting through phone, letters, etc, etc. It's up to the people involved and whether they do honestly love each other, if you don't love each other enough to stick with the online relationship, then you don't love them enough period, real life included. Yes, it can be hard. Yes, it's usually only text and/or cams, but feelings can still be expressed through machines no matter what non-believers say.

The only solid argument is that it's dangerour, which it is, trust me when I say you'll regret giving your heart out to someone you don't know well enough. This, however, can apply to real life and is thus not the greatest rebuttal against online dating. However, it is a fair and strong warning. If possible, get the person to post a picture of themself with something in the picture to prove they are who they say they are, or better, use webcams to see and talk in real time.

Just know this, that with all long distance relationships, whether through letters, E-Mail or message boards, there is most likely going to be moments where you're apart and alone. Not a day goes by that I don't think of my girl, and from the times my friend got to talk with her she was always melting just about talking about me. You're lucky if you hit the jackpot AND have some way of getting together, I just wish mine wasn't in France but here in the states. Take care and don't give out your heart all tied up in a bow at first sight, take it easy and steady, make sure you know just WHO you're talking to and most importantly, if it IS a good one, don't let go and try your hardest to get hooked up in real life...

The best of luck to you.)))

There is nothing wrong with internet relationships, only the ones where someone is not showing their face and whatnot.

Take care.

Edit: And as the others have said, the fact you're a minor and he's an adult is cause for some concern, take their word on it for your own sake and take your time in the relationship.Any advice on how to deal with a long distance relationship?
Well, that's your destiny. And communication through computers is the only way. Maybe, you'll just stick to same routine everyday. If you really like this guy, just be patient. Wait for the right time, maybe God has done special plans for you two. Goodluck! ^^,
I'm glad that I'm not the only one who dated via-online/phone.

There is a small chance of it working out 'til the end, but the greater probability is that it won't. It's difficult, and I was in situations where either the guy or MYSELF found other significant people in our schools, therefore ending it. Friends with benefits (FWB) doesn't make a difference either.

Also, think of it this way: Wouldn't you rather want to hold hands with a real guy, instead of a computer mouse? I hope that doesn't sound too harsh, but that's my reality.

And another thing: you're 16 and he's 22. Where I'm from, it's illegal. YES. Illegal. I don't know if it's the same in Colorado/Florida, because I don't know their exact age laws..but... be a little cautious, dear...

But there IS a small chance of hope. And I'm impressed. You even got his phone number (which I didn't succeed in)!

Good luck!!
I frown on the age difference but....

Here is a great video that should help:鈥?/a>
Your 16 years old and need to be dating people in your own age group and from your own community so that you learn what you want and need in a serious adult relationship. You can't do this online and it's especially dangerous to do this with someone who admits to being 22 but may be a much older and may not have your real interests at heart. I know this isn't what you want to hear and I understand you can't see this 'relationship' ending but for your own safety please be very careful.
First things first, I hate to say it and please don't take offense but he is a bit too old for you. I know you have heard it before, but keep in mind that *grown* men want *grown* things.

Next, there can be no separation if you have never met. Meeting someone online is cool ( that is how I met my man and we have been together for a year now) but exercises plenty of caution in making sure that he is not a player, fake or phony before you shed anymore tears. If you can get at least 50 bucks on a pre-paid Visa, DO A BACKGROUND CHECK!!

Last but not least, the best way to deal with a LDR is what you are doing now!! Phones and online chatting!! It also helps to send Hallmark cards. Also send him pictures of you. I find that handwritten love letter sprayed with perfume are the best. I wish you all luck!!

PS When you meet him, have him come to see YOU!! And make sure that you tell a friend where you are going and with whom (assuming you can't tell your mom or dad!)
How can you cry over someone you've never met...? Weird...
What?! He's 22?! Why can't he get a girl his own age? I'd never date anyone that young at his age. As mature as you might think you are at almost 17, you'd be amazed at how different you will be and think at 22. You should lose him. He's a creep for not dating someone closer to his age. He just wants a young ';honey';. Don't lose any sleep over him.

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