Monday, August 16, 2010

How do you deal with paranoia due to a long distance relationship?

i get easily jealous... i get paranoid of what he's doing while he's away and i just can't help but get too distracted about his true current feelings for me...How do you deal with paranoia due to a long distance relationship?
hi there, i think u r worrying for nothing at all! if u really love your guy u wouldnt have popped this q in the 1st place. listen girly, i think the most important thing in a relation is TRUST!!! n if thats being doubted or if that has cropped up in your mind then u have to think twice abt your relationship.

listen,the q u asked has 2 sides to look at it:

1. either u r paranoid about nothing at all, just because its a long distance relationship. let me tell u long dist relationships need a lot of trust n maturity to handle dear, they involve a hell lot of patience too, may b u r not used to all this n thats y u having this paranoia,trust me there is nothing abt it.

OVERCOME: the best way to overcome this is by talking to him on the phone or mailing him or watever is comfy for the both of u to get in contact with each other, do that.

hey v live in the 21st century n there r so many modes of communication,just pick wat is easy for the both of n get in touch everyday,b it even for 15min or half hr but do talk everyday thats the only way u can get over this feeling.i bet even if he is on work away frm u he wil definetly b able to spend atleast half hr with u.i've been in a long distance relation for 4 yrs now but v never felt this way coz there is a lot of mutual understanding between the both of us.

talk it out with him deary, thats the best way, i mean dont say i am getting paranoid n stuff but tell him u miss him a lot so u guys need to talk everyday n atleast twice or thrice a day kind of stuff, make it clear to him that your feelings r important in a relation n since u r missing him u guys need to b more in contact since the distance is longer now, kind of stuff u could talk to him. look at the other side of your question-- if u got such feelings then i think that guy is upto something with someone,is it? y r u finding him fishy in the first place? for wat r u getting jealous? is he seeing someone? if thats a doubt then clear it off as quickly as possible with him by having a nice n decent talk with him, if u find out thats true thru your own ways then i think u should dump him asap. coz life is precious n dont waste your precious love on some one like that .

so i have given u the 2 angles of your q n their solutions too,hope i was of some help to u n dont worry so much, most importantly maturity is wat is needed in relationships like this,iam sure u can handle dont worry n all the best!!!How do you deal with paranoia due to a long distance relationship?

I think i know what you feeling - but what sort of relationship is it if you gona live with all this paranoia????

You either need to trust him or deal with his feelings for %26amp; if its not what you want get over him.

It aint that easy to do - i know - but belive me its better to be hurt and over it - than constantly subjecting yourself to this paranoia and getting hurt all the time.
Couldn't tell you...I was paranoid during my long distance romance and my fears were validated.

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