but im finding it hard to deal with this long distance stuff...we fight over silly things. we see eachother about twice a month. i still love him very much.
to all other people out there doin the long distance thing...what helps you cope?How do you manage a long distance relationship?
I had a long distance relationship once, didn't work out for us, i suppose compromising is a key factor.How do you manage a long distance relationship?
i knw what u mean i've been wit my bf for 3yrs now and only see him twice a month like u, but it's all about trust, commitment, we will fight over the phone over silly things, but if u knw that u got something special then u won't let the distance get to u, it's all about compromise at the end of the day. it's all about much much ur commited
Trust, faith, try to not argue over petty things, and when you do see him, don't take his presence for granted
i have a long distance relationship with my boyfriend of a year, and its hard but you can get through it if you trust him... and if he trusts you. you fight over silly things because your just frustrated about the distance, it gets to you, whether your good at long distance relationships or not. the little things that just tick you off don't matter, its the way you handle it and if you can let it go. remember, every time you make up from a fight it creates more of a bond, more of an understanding how the person thinks and what irks them. hang in there, i won't say its going to get easier but you almost find a peace in knowing you can make it through anything if you can make it through this. people always say that they can't spend a minute apart from each other but that just shows the lack of flexibility and trust with that relationship. you really can get through it if you just learn to keep yourself busy to get your mind off the pain of not seeing him and don't get into silly fights when you ARE together, because that lessens the time that you can just be with him and be happy. just remember, if you can make it through this you can make it through almost anything.
good luck. :]
long distance is fine, but with out seeing each others for 2 year realy realy hurts. Hard to digest. When u love some one you should be around them. I LEARNT THIS,THROUGH MY AGE .
Hey thanks for rising this question
I am in a LDR myself, I ve met my bf 4 years ago and for the past 3 years we have been in a long distance relationship. I still cant believe that we are together still. We are at different Universities and see each other more or less 2 times a month as well.
I couldnt cope either and yes when we argue, its over silly stupid things and its so emotionally wrecking.
but these days i am so much happier its going to sound well silly but we have set some ground rules (in order to keep our sanity) well first of all we know that we are going to see each other in 2 weeks so instead of dreading it we are looking forward to it. also telephone call our sometimes hard (like if he's in the mood, or worse when we are drunk we end up calling each other) but yeh when one of us dont feel like talking u know just be honest. because we are sooo bussy in different cities, we text eacj other and speak everyday.. I havent seen him for 2 weeks and i will see him in 3 weeks its going to be hard but it pays off when u receive a midnight sweet txt message and even better when u see each other at least it keeps the sparks going u know. mOST OF MY FRIENDS are in LDR and they are finding t hard but at the same time they love their partner so we are having fun and importantly not missing out on life around you.
you know i mean the fact that you have been together for 2 years also proves something. ooh and also dont be afraid to share your feelings with him obv. over the phone its hard enough as it is but when u start a phone cal be urself and upfront . 'you know to day i HAD AA HARD day and i really miss you' etc etc.
oohh and little suprise getaways is always amazing plan a little weekend trip together something to look forward to I guess you just have to keep making plans and somethin to look forward to
I am in one too its 7 months since we have met and things are going very well. We havent argued yet and see each other once a month. We text each other every day and send picture messages to keep each other going. Its amazing when we meet because its like as if we have known each other for years. It can be fustrating sometimes when he dosent text but I know he is busy so I dont want to annoy him too much. At least with a text he can read and reply when he can. He trusts me and knows I wouldnt go off with anyone else and I trust him too.Maybe this time next year we might be living together who knows. But I do enjoy the days when we meet up.
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