Monday, August 16, 2010

In a long-distance relationship... How do I deal?

My wife and I got seperated, we patched things up, yet we're in a situation where we can't move in together again untill this coming summer. We're in a long-distance relationship, but she's falling out of love with me, again. She wants to have all these wonderful, deep, meaningful conversations, like we once had when we first met. But the thing is, we've said everything there is to say, and conversations are starting to be repeatitive. I love deep, and meaningful conversation too, but I'm also kinda shallow so it don't matter if we talk about materialism together, or talk about a brite and beautiful future together, and the latter is hard to talk about when I'm 12 hrs away. How can I keep our relationship alive over the phone? I'm starting to think that we can't.In a long-distance relationship... How do I deal?
hello crackerjack

my husband nad are and in a semi distant relationship-he works away in the week, he never has more than a few minutes of converstaion with me although he rings me several times a day. I find it really upsetting that bhe can spend hours on the phone to his mates but he's stuck for conversation with me. I don't know why that can happen in a marraige, maybe it's because you are so familiar with each other there's not much left thats seems important enough to discuss.

I wouldn't look into intoo much and don't listen to the people who are saying your relationship is over, give it a go, if sh'e your wife and you really love her you will keep trying. The wonderful thing about being with someone you love is being comfortable with the silences as well-you donot need stimulating conversation 24hrs a day. GLIn a long-distance relationship... How do I deal?
Talk about the ethics of euthanasia.
If you two are running out of things to say to eachother than maybe its for the best that the two of you stay seperated. You'll just have to deal with the same thing day after day if you stay with eachother. I mean who really wants to come home from work to someone that you are not excited to see or listen to. Everyday should be a new day.
if ur really asking this kind of question, maybe ur just not meant to be together. absence is supposed to make the heart grow fonder. i think u guys are failing this test. i think that if its really love and meant to work out, it shouldnt matter whether u are apart for a while or together 24/7. this doesnt sound like a stable relationship
you cant have an over the phone relationship.
sounds tough. Maybe the deep and meaningful conversation you need is exactly what you said here. Instead of trying to have that kind of converstation maybe all you really need to do is talk about normal everyday stuff.
Man thats tough! It sounds like she's more keen on the talking then you....And as a guy its hard to keep having the same conversation over and over, whereas chicks don't really care as long as you are being honest, open and truthful.

My only advice is to try and remember what those first deep and meaningful conversations were all about, and try and recapture some of it. It might sound dicky, but a few glasses of red always help me pour my heart out....Might be worth a shot. Good luck dude
you both need to really talk to see where this relationship will lead. this is a major test on trust and loyalty. if you two make this then there is very little that can get in your way in the future. but if you let this go then you weren't meant for each other. the love between you two weren't strong enough to keep you together so you need to sort things out and see if you are both willing to try this test and get through it. if not then its best to move on
sorry to tell you dude but tv is right, long distance relation ships never work out, its a fact. if i where you id try to hang on to her otherwise i would figure that the its not gonna work out and it's not worth trying.
deal it by your own effort sometimes love deserves a second chance'; love in second time around'; if you love her and if she also love you even that each of you is far away love will Bind each of you together! there is no boundaries if you love each other love can be your bridge to her and just trust her
Well If you really want it to work you wouldn't give up. Tell her how you really feel not just what she wants to hear. speak from your heart tell her your afraid to lose her. and that you don't want anything to come between you although you maybe 12 hrs away you are under the same sky and in reality it would take less then a day to see each other. tell her that a part of her is with you. and the summer is only 6 months away. And the wait will be worth it cuz you'll spend as much time as you can with each other.
man she need your assurance that you are hers. distance is not a problem.make an arrangement's to spend a weekend together in motel half way distance it will help both of you to re-discover each other.
Marriage is about work, man. What are you willing to do to make it work? Ask her about the book she's reading, I dunno, think outside of the box, get her to talk and you can listen. I don't think guys listen enough.

I really hope you can make it work dude.

Good luck!
Unfortunately, I think you're experiencing the inevitable truth about marriage.
Have you tried phone sex??? I was in a long distance things for quite a while and found phone sex helped. There are many things you can talk about. Try opening a newspaper.
Don't give up hope. I feel the same way at times. It's hard when you don't have that many things in common anymore. Have you guys tried chatting and being on web cam. That sometimes spices things up. Write a letter to her to surprise her and let her know you were thinking of her. Maybe find a restaurant near her that does delivery and treat her to breakfast one day or maybe roses. Ask each other what ya had for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Talk about the things ya want to do to each other when you see one another again. There are plenty of things to talk about and ways to get connected. Send each other stuff for the holidays. I know it's harder when it's long distance. I used to feel that way too!

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