I am 16 and I am dating a 17 year old guy from an hour and fifteen minutes away.
We get to see each other a lot and have been dating almost nine months.
Its getting harder to be away from him, though we always talk on the phone and things.
We spend the night for weekends at a time a lot, but I am busy most weekends so that gets harder too...
Idk, it seems to be the match made in heaven and I really think I love him, and for those of you who say that love isn't possible at this age, I like him soo very very very much, its indescribable. we have great weekends together and are keeping our virginity as until marriage as to get not-as -attached (though I dont think we can avoid that)
I just really need suggestions about how to deal with separation anxiety....Semi new long distance relationship.... how to deal...?
You have to realize that if you think it's bad, there's always someone out there that has it worse than you. My husband is in Iraq, missing both me, and his newborn daughter. It's been so hard to deal with that. But to keep me sane, I always think about how lucky I am (which is hard considering I'm raising our daughter alone! lol). My husband is only gone for 7 months...there are so many other families who lose their fathers/husbands/brothers for a year to 14 months. It helps me sleep a little better at night! lol. I don't know if you've heard of skype, but it's this program where you can talk through the computer and you can see each other. We do that a lot and although it's NOTHING like seeing them in person, sometimes it helps. And really, distance makes the heart grow fonder. The time you DO get to see him, the better it'll be. You were just spoiled getting to see him everyday! lol. Hang in there!Semi new long distance relationship.... how to deal...?
hey i know what your going through trust me i have been dating the same guy for a year and a half and we live 2 hours apart. in the beginning we only saw each other once a month but talked on the phone for two hours a night. what we did is send pictures of eachother via cell everynight and we got webcames to stay connected as much as possible and we even got mics for our computers so we could talk to eachother and see eachother without having to type what we wanna say.
well i'm 14 and i ust to date my old freind that's 15..he moved to australia and it got really hard we tried the long distance thing for almost a year but.. it did'nt work out
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