Monday, August 16, 2010

What should I do to deal with my friend's long distance relationship?

So Carrie is my best friend, has been since preschool. She is more outgoing than I am and we are opposites in many ways. Neither of us have had much experience with boys but during the summer Carrie began talking to someone through Facebook. This boy, Rick, used to go to our school but moved far away in 4th grade. They began talking more and more, and she showed me some pictures of him, practically drooling over his abs. Even from the beginning I didn't see what she did in him.

Carrie is a texting fanatic. This has been something that has been driving me crazy for a very long time. I can't stand it when we're hanging out and she is texting almost constantly. Maybe I'm just jealous that she has people that want to talk to her all the time, I don't really know. For the past few months they have been communicating through texting, long distance phone calls, and facebook every day. I kept telling her that I didn't think it was a good idea, they would never be able to be together since he lives all the way across the country. She didn't listen and I still can't stand it when she brings him up.

Recently, she told me he said he loves her. She panicked and told him that she wasn't comfortable with that so he apologized and told her to forget it. A few weeks later she informed me that she now loves him too and he's so amazingly perfect for her. She stays up late talking to him on the phone almost every night and I am often informed about the cute things he's said. I CAN'T HANDLE HEARING THIS!! I'm so jealous and upset that a boy fell in love with my best friend over the phone and she'd rather be talking to him and thinking about him than being with me!! I know it's irrational but I can't help how I'm feeling. I'm so angry! I talked to her the other day about how I was feeling and that I don't approve of him. I had originally hoped that he would just ';go away'; and ignored her whenever she brought him up, but she has become very involved with him now and she told me that their relationship isn't going to go away. I told her that I was going to try to accept him, which I'm now starting to think I can't.

What do you think I should do to deal with this?What should I do to deal with my friend's long distance relationship?
have nothing more to do with her until the relationship is over and that way she will come back to you realizing that she abandoned her best friend.

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